Cabinet to decide on return to adaptive quarantine in coming days / REUTERS

Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal has said the Cabinet of Ministers, Ukraine's government, will decide on the return to adaptive quarantine in the coming days.

"The epidemic situation allows us to return to the model of adaptive quarantine when different levels of epidemiological danger will be established in the regions, namely green, yellow, orange, or red," he said at a government meeting on Wednesday, an UNIAN correspondent reported.

"The government will make a corresponding decision in the coming days, but prior to that, I will ask the Health Ministry to actively communicate possible changes so that no questions arise about the criteria by which the color will be applied to certain regions," Shmyhal added.

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On January 25, Health Minister Maksym Stepanov announced the country might again introduce an adaptive quarantine.

Read alsoUkraine reports over 3,200 new COVID-19 cases in past 24 hoursAdaptive quarantine in Ukraine

  • The adaptive quarantine was first introduced on August 1. Ukrainian regions were split into the red, green, orange zones depending on hospital bed occupancy rates, the average number of PCR and ELISA tests, the incidence of COVID-19 cases, and daily spread dynamics.
  • Quarantine-related curbs differed in each zone. The mildest ones were in the green zone, while the regions included in the red zone had to introduce the toughest restrictive measures.