Photo from UNIAN, Oleksandr Kuzmin

This week, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine may adopt a law on the national registration of a COVID-19 vaccine, says First Deputy Chair of the ruling Servant of the People faction, Oleksandr Kornienko.

Speaking with journalists after a faction meeting on Monday, Kornienko said the deputies had already discussed the draft law on amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Medicines," an UNIAN correspondent reported.

"It is important. In fact, it opens up the possibility of 'emergency use' precisely for COVID-19 vaccines because now there is no such possibility in Ukrainian legislation. Accordingly, none of the existing vaccines worldwide have passed the so-called third stage of clinical trials. This will take a longer period of time, a year is still required, while other countries are already starting the 'emergency use',"explained Kornienko.

At the same time, there are no legal grounds for such move in Ukraine.

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"Therefore, I think that we will promptly pass the bill this week. It will soon enter into force. And indeed, we can expect to start receiving first batches of vaccines in early February and then move on, in line with the vaccination schedule," the deputy summed up.

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In February-March 2021, Ukraine expects the delivery of a vaccine against COVID-19.

The first batch of a vaccine via the COVAX Facility will include 8 million doses, which will be enough to vaccinate 4 million people (two shots per person required). First to get vaccinated will be healthcare workers, the elderly, and seriously ill patients.

On December 24, 2020, Health Minister Stepanov said that his ministry was working out a plan to increase the COVAX vaccine quota from 8 million to 16 million doses.

On December 30, Ukraine signed a contract with China's Sinovac for the supply of 1.9 million doses of a coronavirus vaccine.