Strict anti-epidemic measures will be in effect in Lviv region / Photo from UNIAN, by Mykola Tys

The State Commission on Technology-Related and Environmental Safety and Emergencies has decided to include Lviv region in the COVID-19 red zone from March 25.

This was announced by Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Oleh Nemchinov on Telegram after a special meeting held by the commission.

"The State Commission decided that as of 00:00 Kyiv time on March 25, the red level of COVID-19 epidemic risks shall be introduced in Lviv region along with restrictive anti-epidemic measures enacted for the red level of epidemic risks," the minister said.

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Quarantine in Ukraine: Known facts

  • On February 24, 2021, Ukraine imposed an adaptive quarantine, having divided regions according to color zones of epidemic risks. The Health Ministry predicts a surge in new COVID-19 cases by the end of April 2021.
  • As of March 22, the city of Kyiv, as well as seven regions: Zhytomyr, Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kyiv, Odesa, Sumy, and Chernivtsi regions became the red zone in keeping with the Health Ministry's decision.
  • The Health Ministry updates the indicators on a daily basis to identify regions with a significant spread of COVID-19. Based on these assessment, the State Commission on Technology-Related and Environmental Safety and Emergencies passes a decision once every seven days to designate the level of epidemic risks (yellow, orange, or red) in a region or separate administrative territorial units of the region, after which appropriate restrictive measures shall be introduced.