Photo from UNIAN

Deputy Minister of Health, Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Ukraine Viktor Lyashko has contracted COVID-19.

"My PCR test for COVID-19 has returned positive. This was a period when post-vaccination immunity has not yet been fully developed," Lyashko wrote on Facebook, breaking the news himself.

"As evidenced by the analysis of clinical research data, the effectiveness of the vaccine after a single standard dose is 76% - from day 22 to day 90. The level of antibodies remains the same for the said period, with a minimal decrease. It was only 13 days since my vaccination when symptoms appeared," Lyashko explained, adding that the public shouldn't misinterpret the news.

At the same time, the chief sanitary doctor is confident that thanks to vaccination, he will experience no complications throughout the course of disease.

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Read alsoCOVID-19: Ukraine to issue international vaccine certificates"Separately, I would like to note that all vaccines for COVID-19 are primarily developed and tested to alleviate the course of the disease, to evade complications. And I emphasize again. If there are symptoms, contact your doctor and do diagnostics. A timely diagnosis is a key to the containment of coronavirus spread. Now I'm on sick leave," Lyashko added.


On March 2, Lyashko was vaccinated with the CoviShield vaccine produced in India under license from Oxford/AstraZeneca.