Ukraine launched a nationwide COVID-19 vaccination campaign on February 24 / REUTERS

Ukrainian Deputy Health Minister Iryna Mykychak says 199 doses of AstraZeneca (CoviShield) vaccine have been disposed since the launch of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign in Ukraine.

"There are always spills of vaccines. It's either measles or any other vaccine. And spills are also possible in this situation. And this is provided by the instructions," she told the Countdown talk show on Ukraine's UA:Pershyi TV channel, as reported by the Suspilne.Media outlet.

"Secondly, there is a clear norm of the Health Ministry: to offer excess doses to others. Therefore, the Health Ministry will investigate each case why it happened," Mykychak said.

As of the morning of March 15, 2021, some 53,155 people received their first shot of the vaccine, the official added.

Read alsoCOVID-19: Ukraine to issue international vaccine certificatesVaccination in Ukraine

  • On February 24, 2021, Ukraine launched a nationwide COVID-19 vaccination campaign. Doctors who treat COVID-19 patients, ambulance teams, laboratory personal involved in COVID-19 testing, residents and staff of nursing homes, as well as military personnel in the Joint Forces Operation (JFO) zone in Donbas are to be vaccinated at the first stage.
  • Today, the vaccination campaign is underway in Ukraine with CoviShield (AstraZeneca), a recombinant vector vaccine produced under license at Serum Institute of India. Two shots with an interval of 28 days are required for complete immunization.
  • As of today, over 258,600 Ukrainians have signed up for the COVID-19 vaccination waiting list. Citizens aged from 21 to 39 account for the lion's share, and the share of people aged 80 and older is the smallest one.